legal English

English for Law: a one-to-one or group course for practising lawyers

This course, which has twenty lessons, each lasting 90 minutes, is for practising lawyers who already have a good command of English as a second language and now want to conquer the language that English-speaking lawyers use in local and international transactions. The course draws from my forty-year practice as a UK-based lawyer and uses real-world documents to learn the specialist vocabulary and word use called Legal English.

After completing the course, learners will have gained a deeper understanding of the special language that English-speaking lawyers use in areas of law like contracts, business and finance, and how they communicate with each other, with the courts and with their clients.

First assessment meeting FREE - Finding your level, setting your goals

This is where we meet and discover your needs. What legal business do you work in, and what is your current level of English? How do you like to learn? What are your reasons and goals for improving your English skills? Do you have an important negotiation to prepare for or a client agreement to draft? Or you may need help to prepare reports or witness statements. Target your business responsibilities with your English needs.

We will then draw up and agree on the lesson plan, subjects, and outcomes. Here is the core lesson syllabus, but any legal subject or language skill can be covered.

Lesson 1 The challenge of Legal English

Native Englsh-speaking lawyers are famous for using words that are unnecessarily long and centuries old. Learn how to draft without using legalese and Latin. Plain language is best.

Lesson 2 Lawyers use words differently

Think you know English? Words like information, deed, tax, summary, fee and act have entirely different meanings when lawyers use them. Learn the difference and how they can be used accurately. See this article for some sample course material

Lesson 3 The legal profession

Who are you dealing with in this transaction? How did they qualify and what is their professional title? Legal professions and routes to qualification.

Lesson 4 The language of the criminal courts

We will look at some documents I used in my criminal practice as a Crown prosecutor and defence solicitor to learn the vocabulary used by criminal lawyers.

Lesson 5 The language of the civil courts

Drafting court documents accurately is a special skill. Learn the art of drafting a claim and analyse pleadings to learn court vocabulary, and language skills.

Lesson 6 The language of civil wrongs

Tresspass, defamation, and negligence are some examples of civil wrongs - also called torts - and learners can expect to gain an understanding of the legal terminology and principles related to this area of law.

Lesson 7 The language of contract law #1

Lawyers are often asked to draw up new contracts and advise on old ones. Some contracts are breached and others need to be ended. Lawyers need the correct words to advise clients and argue legal cases about contracts.

Lesson 8 The language of contract law #2

All contracts contain technical terms but they must be accurate and understood by the person reading them. The structure and flow of the contract are also very important.

Lesson 9 The language of commercial law

Individuals can conduct their business in a variety of ways: a partnership, a sole trader, a company or a limited liability enterprise. Each one can involve a lawyer to draft agreements which requires relevant vocabulary and legal understanding of each type.

Lesson 10 The language of company law

A limited company has a legal identity that is separate from directors, shareholders and employees. Lawyers need to understand what this means and how to use the language of shareholder agreements, directorship appointment and start-up documents

Lesson 11 The language of employment law

The relationship between employers and their employees is best examined by looking at a simple contract of employment which also teaches the vocabulary from job offer to termination. See this article for some sample course material

Lesson 12 The language of negotiation

Negotiation is one of the lawyer’s core skills but the process can be intimidating when it is conducted in a second language. We will examine the key language of making offers, counter-proposals, negotiation and settlement.

Lesson 13 The language of giving advice to clients

Clients need to understand clearly their situation and the decisions they need to make based on your advice and the alternative options that are open to them. We will discuss the best ways of using clear language and learn verbal skills

Lesson 14 The language of statutes

UK and US statutes follow a procedure before they are passed and are laid out formally. Learn the key words that refer to the relevant elements of a statute and how legislation is cited in court documents.

Lesson 15 The language of court judgments

All lawyers have to read court cases, understand the main decisions, and know how to quote and summarise them for courts, clients, and opposing counsel. How do you do this for court cases in English jurisdictions?

Lesson 16 The language of banking, lending, and finance

All major transactions are made possible by being financed by banks, investors, and other lenders. Securities, loans, and debt repayments are significant parts of commercial contracts. Learn the correct finance vocabulary and terminology.

Lesson 17 The language of emails

The chief form of communication between lawyers is email, which has surpassed letters and phone calls. Not only is there a protocol for how you write emails, but careful attention must be given to sentence length and overall layout.

Lesson 18 The language of land and property

A legal interest in land can vary from a six-month tenancy to a 999-year lease, from an easement to an absolute freehold interest. Land can be mortgaged, sold, leased or put into a trust. Lawyers need words to explain and advise on land ownership.

Lesson 19 The language of documents transferring ownership of land

We will analyse a deed of sale of land in England to identify the essential words, phrases, and vocabulary used when transferring land.

Lesson 20 The language of international law and treaties

Clients engage in cross-border transactions and disputes. Trade is governed by global treaties and human rights law. Lawyers need the correct vocabulary to advise clients and draft agreements in today’s global markets.

Fees The fee for this specialist course is £125 for each 90-minute lesson for one-to-one lessons. Group learning fees can be agreed after the initial assessment meeting.

Flexibility The course can be modified or extended to suit your needs. It can be combined with lessons from the other Legal and Business English courses to add variety and to widen English vocabulary and skills. Do you need assistance to prepare for an important presentation, or redrafting model agreements in English, or creating your firm’s social media profile? We can add to this course the legal language skills you need.


Learning methods and outcomes

Gain confidence when writing and speaking in English to your international colleagues and clients.

legal English confidence

Online learning with one-to-one tuition using lessons tailored to your needs and goals.

legal English content

The first 30 minute lesson is free including language assessment, goal-setting and choosing course length. All fees are set and agreed in advance.

legal English free lesson

Fully flexible timetable. Book a lesson a week, a lesson a day, or set aside a whole day for learning. Evenings and weekends sessions (UK time) can be arranged.

legal English flexible

Fully flexible course topics. You decide the subjects you want to learn about in depth or to use as a basis for conversation.

legal English flexible course